
  1. The Ultimate Trade-In for the Ultimate Streamer

    The Ultimate Trade-In for the Ultimate Streamer

    Here is a serious helping hand from Linn to own a reference Klimax DSM digital music streamer...

    Get at least £5000 off a new Klimax DSM (Audio or AV variant) by trading in any piece of HiFi/AV equipment. Yes, anything. No matter how old, how small, even how operational – or not, as the case may be.


    And that’s just for starters. Peter Tyson will match Linn’s generosity by adding our own part exchange value for your trade-in. Which could mean a saving considerably higher than £5000.

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  2. Introducing Linn Klimax Solo 800

    Introducing Linn Klimax Solo 800

    Linn has made its debut on the stage of high-end, mono-block power amplifiers. And it may well be a game-changer.


    Klimax Solo 800 is Linn’s new reference power amplifier, the largest in Linn’s long history, the most powerful (800W into 4 ohms) and most importantly, the best. By a distance.

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